
sistemas de lagunas aireadas



 Thomas Irwin, M.S. Environmental Scientist/Rutger
The Library
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The Library

Bibliografía recomendada y literatura de interés

Musterman, J. "Oxygen Transfer Systems for Industrial Wastewater Treatment", WEF October 2000, Anaheim, California

Hammer, M. "Water and Wastewater Technology", 2nd. ed., Prentice Hall, 1986

Extractos material del curso CE 297B "Water Pollution Control" Pennsylvania State University, Dr. Raymond Regan, P.E., University Park, PA, 2000.

Extractos material del seminario/workshop "Principles & Practices of Industrial Wastewater Treatment", Virginia Tech, 1995. Dr. Clifford W. Randall, P.E., Dr. Andrew Randall; Montevideo 1995.

"Small and Decentralized Wastewater Management Systems," Crites, R. & Tchobanoglous, G., McGraw-Hill, 1998.

Randall, C.W, Bartsch E. "Aerated Lagoons - A Report om the State of the Art", WPC, Virgina, April 1970

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