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Refrigeración Industrial


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Bibliografía recomendada y literatura de interés

Briley, George C. "Improving Operating Efficiency", Ashrae Journal May 2003
Briley, George C. "Energy Conservation in Industrial Refrigeration Systems", Ashrae Journal June 2003
Briley, George C. "Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems", Ashrae Journal July 2003
Briley, George C. "Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 3", Ashrae Journal September 2003
Briley, George C. "Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 4", Ashrae Journal October 2003
Briley, George C. "Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 5", Ashrae Journal November 2003
Pearson, Andy. "New Developments in Industrial Refrigeration", Ashrae Journal March 2001
Avery, Gil "Omproving the Efficiency of Chilled Water Plants", Ashrae Journal May 2001
de Larminat, Paul "Expanding the Use of Ammonia", Ashrae Journal March 2000
Stegmann, Rudy "Low Temperature Refrigeration", Ashrae Journal January 2000
Pearson, S. Forbes "Ammonia Refrigeration Systems", Ashrae Journal March 1999
Garone, T et al "Understanding a Modern Cold-Storage Facility", Ashrae Journal December 2000
Briley, George C. "Blast Freezing", Ashrae Journal July 2002
Briley, George C. "Hydrocooling Fruits and Vegetables", Ashrae Journal July 2002
Briley, George C. "Controlled Atmosphere Storage of Fruits and Vegetables", Ashrae Journal October 2002
Briley, George C. "Efficiency for R-717 and R-22 Systems, Part 2", Ashrae Journal August 2003
Briley, George C. "Moisture Loss During Freezing", Ashrae Journal November 2002
Briley, George C. "Refrigeration in Large Breweries", Ashrae Journal February 2003
Beyenne, A. "Performance Evaluation of Conventional Chiller Systems", Ashrae Journal June 1995




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