
 incineradores fundamentos y aplicaciones



 Thomas Irwin, M.S. Environmental Scientist/Rutger
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Bibliografía recomendada y literatura de interés

Blizard, Gordon "Infectious Waste Incineration" Standard Handbook of Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal, Harry Freeman (ed.) McGraw-Hill 1998.

Lerner, B.J. Comunicación personal (2003)

Shah, Kanti L. "Basics of Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Technology" Prentice Hall 2000.

Teller, A. "Emission Control" Handbook of Solid Waste Management", Frank Kreith (ed.) McGraw-Hill 1994.

Brunner, C. R. "Incineration" Handbook of Solid Waste Management", Frank Kreith (ed.) McGraw-Hill 1994

Midwest Research Institute Dry Scrubber Performance Memorandum, MRI May 1996

Midwest Research Institute Wet Scrubber Performance Memorandum, MRI May 1996

AEHA "Guide for selection and operation of medical waste incinerators" October 1986 U.S. AEHA

OTA U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment  "Issues in Medical Waste Management", October 1988.

Tyler Miller, G. "Environmental Science", 6th. ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1997.

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